Every year before Christmas, the Lithuanian Emigration Institute hosts a traditional celebration to award scholarships to emigrant patrons, provided by the Lithuanian Foundation (LF). This year was no different. On December 21st, students, colleagues, and members of the Vytautas Magnus University academic community gathered at the President Valdas Adamkus Library-Museum for the scholarship presentation ceremony, which honored Bronius Bieliukas, Vanda Daugirdaitė-Sruogienė, and expatriate patrons Liūtas and Francoise Mockūnas. Attendees heard from Daiva Litvinskaitė, Vice-Chairman of the LF board, and Leonas Narbutis, a member of the LF board, about the activities of the Lithuanian Foundation. The Director of the Lithuanian Emigration Institute, Egidijus Aleksandravičius, and Giedrius Janauskas, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, also spoke about the emigrant patrons and the traditions of emigrant patronage.
The Vanda Daugirdaitė-Sruogienė scholarship, provided by the Lithuanian Foundation, was awarded to Andrius Stasys Veršinskas, a second-year master’s student in the East-Central European and Lithuanian Historical Studies Program at the Faculty of Humanities of Vytautas Magnus University. The recipients of the Broniaus Bieliukas scholarship this year were Beata Kazlauskaitė, a fourth-year student in the Lithuanian Philology and Publishing Program at the Faculty of Humanities, Ieva Sinevičiūtė, a third-year student in the Law Program at the Faculty of Law, and Povilas Mikalauskas, a fourth-year student in the History Program at the Faculty of Humanities.
This year, the Liūtas and Francoise Mockūnas scholarship was awarded to Gerda Pilipaitytė, a PhD student at the Department of Lithuanian Studies at Vytautas Magnus University.