Lecture by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Linas Didvalis: “Lithuanians in the Far East: From Communities to Adventurers”


On April 24, 2024, at 4 p.m., The Valdas Adamkus Presidential Library-Museum (S. Daukanto St. 25, Kaunas) will host a lecture by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Linas Didvalis titled “Lithuanians in the Far East: From Communities to Adventurers.”

While Lithuanian communities in East Asia may not currently boast in size, they have a long, often fascinating and dramatic history marked by curiosity, bravery, a thirst for adventure, and sometimes sheer happenstance. The relatively limited exploration of the diaspora in this region, coupled with the restricted dissemination of existing knowledge, necessitates that the presentation will be introductory in nature. It will provide an overview of the entire region and introduce the earliest Lithuanian visits to China, Japan, and Korea, as well as the establishment of communities and notable individuals.

The photograph depicts Martynas Yčas and Jonas Žilius in Japan in 1917. The author is unknown.