Published Books

Series „Archive of Exile“

T.1. Antano Smetonos korespondencija 1940-1944 m. (Sudarytoja D. Dapkutė). Kaunas: Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto leidykla, 1999.

The publication presents the correspondence of the President of the Republic of Lithuania, Antanas Smetona, during his exile period (from his departure from Lithuania in 1940 until his death in 1944). It includes communications with Lithuanian diplomats, prominent members of the Lithuanian-American community, and U.S. politicians. The documents, sourced from the Bronius Kviklys collection held at the Lithuanian Emigration Institute, are published for the first time.

T.2. Kuizinienė D. Lietuvių literatūrinis gyvenimas Vakarų Europoje 1945-1950 m. (Studija ir šaltinių publikacija). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2003.

The book consists of two parts: the first part introduces the literary life of Lithuanians in West Germany, analyzing the activities of the Lithuanian Writers’ Society in Exile, cultural press, and the literary debuts of writers. The second part comprises an appendix with archival documents, including previously unpublished materials from the Lithuanian Writers’ Society in Exile and letters from writers, shedding light on the cultural life in the DP camps of Germany.

T.3. VLIK’as ir Lietuvos diplomatinė tarnyba išeivijoje. Berno ir Paryžiaus konferencijų protokolai. (Sudarytoja A. Petraitytė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2004.

The publication features the protocols of consultation conferences held by the Lithuanian Diplomatic Service and the Supreme Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania in 1946 in Bern (Switzerland) and in 1947 in Paris (France). Published for the first time, these documents reveal the discussions, consultations, and potential problem-solving strategies of two significant political organizations in exile.


T. 4. Gabrys-Paršaitis J. Tautos sargyboj. Atsiminimai. (Sudarytojas L. Saldukas). – Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2006.

The memoirs of Juozas Gabrys-Paršaitis (1880-1951), written in 1938, were published, however later they were edited and supplemented. The preface provides an overview of the biography of the author of the memoirs, noting a peculiar trait of his personality – J. Gabrys considered himself the only person, able to resolve the issues, vital for the nation and the state therefore his political role in the historiography is usually viewed upon skeptically. The memoirs of J. Gabrys are an important source of the history of development of the Lithuanian state, reflecting the international situation and the diplomatic lobbies in Europe during the WWI.

T. 5. Ateitininkų pėdsakais. Ateitininkų federacija išeivijoje 1945-1970 m. Dokumentų rinkinys. (Sudarytoja I. Bučinskytė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2007.

The book delivers the documents that reveal the development and the activities abroad of the most important Lithuanian ideological organisation “Ateitininkai” in the 5-7th decades of the 20th century. Minutes of sittings and meetings, circulars, and correspondence witness that “Ateitininkai” did not limit themselves with the problems of organisational continuity; being in free world, they also contributed to saving national identity, nurturing and distributing Christian values, educating young generation, integrating into a new environment, and many other questions relevant even today. Hopefully, documents published within the book should inspire and guide the surveys of heritage and experience of “Ateitininkai” organisation.

T. 6. „Kongresinė akcija” Baltijos valstybių okupacijos nepripažinimo politikoje 1961-1974 m. Dokumentų rinkinys. (Sudarytojas G. Janauskas). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2011.

The book publishes 174 documents that testify to the activities of the organization Americans For Congressional Action To Free The Baltic States in the United States during the 1960s and 1970s. The sources highlight the methods of the “congressional action” campaign carried out by Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, and Americans, while also reminding us of the principles of “people’s diplomacy,” which still struggle to find acceptance in Lithuania.

T. 7. Lietuvos diplomatų korespondencija (1940-1945 m.): šaltinių publikacija. (Sudarytoja A. Petraitytė-Briedienė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2012.

The publication of sources presents the correspondence of Lithuanian diplomats in 1940-1945. These are letters, telegrams, and documents remaining in the archive of the diplomat E. Turauskas. During World War II, all Lithuanian diplomatic service tried to be active and efficient, even crossing the limits of their competence, to calculate and use all opportunities. The changes of war front forced the diplomats to assume the strategy of caution and observation. Creating the appearance of ‘doing nothing’, the diplomats were forced to act on different principles. The sources reveal an extremely complicated situation of Lithuanian diplomats after the occupation of the state. The documents reveal the fundamental attitudes of the diplomats, which were followed during the war and later on throughout the period of occupation of Lithuania.

T. 8. Vinco Trumpos korespondencija.  (sudarytojos D. Dapkutė, D. Kuizinienė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2013.

The book publishes letters written in emigration by a prominent diaspora historian, journalist and prosaist, Vincas Trumpa (1913–2002), addressed to Henrikas Žemelis, Bronius Raila, Vytautas Kavolis, Kostas Ostrauskas, Liūtas Mockūnas, Gintautas Vėžis, Henrieta and Vytautas Vepštas et al. The letters are not official; they were mainly written to acquaintances and close friends, thus they do not lack humour, self-irony and openness typical of Trumpa. The second part of the book publishes various conversations and interviews with Trumpa after he returned to Lithuania in 1997.

T. 9. Lietuvių ir lenkų santykiai išeivijoje 1945-1990 metais: šaltinių publikacija (sudarytoja G. Milerytė-Japertienė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2014.

The political positions of Lithuania and Poland were different in the post-war period. Lithuania became a part of the Soviet Union. Even though the country was occupied, the West has never admitted Lithuania’s incorporation to USSR. The emigration had the chance to act because the continuity of the country was perpetuated by the legations. The Polish people’s republic received the nominal sovereignty. The exile Poland’s government deprived all the previous partners; the exile diplomats’ impact on any kind of events in Europe became very limited. After the government of the Polish People’s Republic was recognised, the international isolation of the exiled government in London began. The book contains 114 original documents which reveal how the relationship between the Lithuanian and Polish in the exile after World War II has evolved.

T. 10. Tarp minties ir politinio veiksmo: Algirdo Juliaus Greimo laiškai (1946-1954). (sudarytojai E. Aleksandravičius, D. Dapkutė). Kaunas: Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto leidykla, 2019.

The book collects letters by Algirdas Julius Greimas, written between 1946 and 1954 to participants in the Lithuanian resistance movement, including Stasys Žakevičius-Žymantas, Algirdas Vokietaitis, Jonas Deksnys, Vytautas Stanevičius-Staneika, and others. These letters reveal a lesser-known side of Greimas’ life—his active involvement in the Lithuanian underground resistance. The discussion will address the post-war fates of Lithuanian resistance members, actions organized in the diaspora, connections with the resistance in Lithuania, as well as foreign intelligence services. The role of A. J. Greimas in these political and resistance processes will also be explored.

Other books (monographs, article collections, studies etc.)


Smetona A. Lithuania Propria. Kaunas: VDU, 1996.

Dapkutė D. Lietuvių išeivijos liberaliosios srovės genezė: politiniai-organizaciniai aspektai 1945 m. – šeštojo dešimtmečio pabaiga. Vilnius: Vaga, 2002.

After World War II a huge wave of refugees from Lithuania (over 60,000 people) retreated to the West. Their development and growth in the Western world was separated from their Lithuanian roots. The migration to the democratic West influenced the development of democratic ideas and liberalism among these Lithuanians, especially among the younger generation. The aim of the book is to explain the organizational, political aspects of the development of the liberal wing of the Lithuanian emigration and to analyze the liberal organizations: Lithuanian Freedom Fighters Alliance (LFFA), Foreign Delegation of the United Democratic Resistance Movement (FD UDRM), the Resistance Union of Lithuania (RUL), Šviesa, Santara, the Santara-Šviesa federation. Lithuanian liberalism in the emigration was distinguished for several features.

Saldukas L. Lithuanian diaspora. Vilnius: Vaga, 2002.

The book presents the history of the Lithuanian diaspora from ancient times to the end of the 20th century. It examines Lithuanian communities established in various countries, focusing on their political, cultural, and social activities.

Aleksandravičius E., Kuizinienė D., Dapkutė D. The Cultural Activities of Lithuanian Émigrés. Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2002.

The book provides a brief overview of the cultural activities of the Lithuanian diaspora from the late 19th century to the present day, highlighting key figures and current developments in cultural life.

Dapkutė D. Politikos pinklės : Antanas Smetona – JAV valstybės departamento regratyje. Kaunas: VDU, 2002.

Kuzmickaitė D. Between Two Worlds: Recent Lithuanian Immigrants in Chicago (1988-2000). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2003.

This book (in English and Lithuanian) is an ethnographic study of the experiences of new Lithuanian immigrants’ migration, settlement, and adaptation in Chicago during the 1988-2000 period.

Rastenis V. Tarp kairės ir dešinės, tarp Lietuvos ir Amerikos. (Sudarytoja D. Dapkutė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2004.

The book collects texts written by the prominent Lithuanian diaspora journalist, politician, and public figure Vincas Rastenis (1905-1982) during his time in emigration, which have been less known to the broader public. It offers an open, reasoned perspective on various issues important to both Lithuania and the diaspora, as well as on key figures, political organizations, events, and current affairs. The articles provide significant insights into the social, political, and cultural activities of the diaspora, as well as its connections with Lithuanians in Lithuania.


Vaškelis B. Žvilgsnis iš atokiau. T. I. (Sudarytoja ir redaktorė D. Kuizinienė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2004.

The collection of articles by literary historian Bronius Vaškelis (Vol. I) includes works published in diaspora and Lithuanian periodicals, as well as previously unpublished papers on Jurgis Baltrušaitis, early Lithuanian literature, Lithuanian dramaturgy, and literature created both in the diaspora and in Soviet Lithuania.

Vaškelis B. Žvilgsnis iš atokiau. Lietuviškoji scena Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose 1889-1990. T. II. (Sudarytoja ir redaktorė D. Kuizinienė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2005.

The collection of articles by literary historian Bronius Vaškelis (Vol. II) consists of texts about Lithuanian theater in the diaspora: the beginnings of Lithuanian theater in the U.S. from 1889 to 1899, the history of Lithuanian satirical theater, and the activities of the Lithuanian Drama Theater in Chicago from 1949 to 1990. Some of the articles in the book focus on the personalities of playwrights, directors, and actors, including Bronius Laucevičius-Vargšas, Juozas Vaičkus, Jurgis Blekaitis, and Henrikas Kačinskas.

Vaškelis B. Žvilgsnis iš atokiau. T. III. (Sudarytoja D. Kuizinienė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2012.

The collection of articles by Bronius Vaškelis (Vol. III) includes texts published in the diaspora and in Lithuania about Lithuanian émigré theater in the United States and Germany, individual actors and directors, Lithuanian writers and their works, as well as the author’s personal memories and emotions upon returning to Lithuania.

Beginnings and Ends of Emigration. Life without Borders in the Contemporary World. (Sudarytoja D. Kuizinienė).Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2005.

The book publishes articles by researchers from Lithuania and abroad, dedicated to the analysis and history of migration processes in various countries.

Kavolis V. Nepriklausomųjų kelias. Publicistikos straipsniai 1951-1965. (Sudarytojai E. Aleksandravičius ir D. Dapkutė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2006.

Vytautas Kavolis, a prominent Lithuanian sociologist, extensively explored the concept of freedom throughout his academic career, albeit not explicitly under the label of ‘sociology of freedom’. His multidimensional analysis spanned political institutions, cultural norms, historical evolution, and global perspectives, shedding light on the intricate interplay between societal structures and individual freedoms. This article delves into Kavolis’ sociological framework through a political sociology lens, dissecting his nuanced understanding of freedom and its manifestations in various societal contexts. Kavolis’ interdisciplinary approach, methodological originality, and reflexive analysis contributed to a profound exploration of societal liberation and power relations, challenging established paradigms and advocating for a more inclusive and just society. His insights remain relevant today, offering valuable insights into the complex dynamics of social structures and individual agency.

Modernioji lietuvių egzilio proza. J. Mekas, A. Mekas, L. Lėtas, A. Landsbergis. (Sudarytoja D. Kuizinienė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2006.

Jonas Mekas, Algirdas Landsbergis, Leona Lėtas (Vytautas Leonas Adamkevičius), and Adolfas Mekas are writers from the same generation who debuted while living in Western Europe. This anthology of modern Lithuanian prose presents the early prose texts of these authors, written between 1946 and 1951 and published in journals and prose collections with print runs of only a few dozen copies, which have since become bibliographic rarities.

Akiračių“ bibliografija. (Sudarytojos I. Poderienė, E. Montvilienė, R. Raišytė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2006.

The bibliographic publication is dedicated to the Lithuanian diaspora’s liberal magazine Akiračiai, which was published in Chicago from 1968 to 2005.

Lietuvos Respublikos emigracijos politika 19201940 m. Dokumentų rinkinys. (Sudarytoja V. Kasperavičiūtė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2006.

The book publishes documents from 1922 to 1940 that reveal the policies of the Republic of Lithuania regarding emigration. It includes various acts from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Interior, regulating the activities of emigration institutions, annual reports from Lithuanian consulates reflecting the situation of Lithuanian emigrants abroad, and documents from the Society for Supporting Foreign Lithuanians.

Mockūnas L. Nelygiagretės paralelės. Publicistika ir kritika. (Sudarytojos D. Dapkutė ir D. Kuizinienė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2007.

This collection with a symbolic title “Unparallel Parallels” (Nelygiagretės paralelės) consists of articles written in Lithuania and in emigration in 1960-2007. The articles distinguishes by a variety (from literal presentations and reviews, reportages, and travel impressions to actualities of Lithuanian history), polemic spirit, accurate insights, and unexpected parallels stir some stereotypes alive in our society, raise questions and problems thrill people till nowadays. Scepticism and free spirit of L. Mockūnas works should contribute to the development of historical consciousness, individual thinking, and tolerance in Lithuanian society.

Lietuvių diplomatija išeivijoje 1940-1991 m. Straipsnių rinkinys. (Sudarytojos D. Dapkutė ir A. Petraitytė).Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2007.

The collection of articles comprises various studies focusing on the Lithuanian diplomatic service and its relations with other facets of political Lithuanian emigration. Alongside official diplomacy, the phenomenon of “People’s Diplomacy” and the activities carried out by émigré community organizations are also explored.

XX ažmogus: Aleksandro Štromo portretai. Straipsnių rinkinys. (Sudarytojas L. Donskis). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2008.

The book collects memoirs from A. Štromas’ friends, colleagues, collaborators, and former students, shedding light on the life and personality of the greatest modern Lithuanian political thinker, political scientist, prominent human rights defender, and dissident. These memoirs reveal the trajectory of his life and character. The memories are published in their original languages (Lithuanian, English, Russian, and Polish).

Bučinskytė I. Idealų vedami. Ateitininkai išeivijoje XX a. 5-7 dešimtmečiais. Monografija. Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2008.

The object of the research of the monograph is the Catholic organisation “Ateitis”, which renewed its activities in emigration, and members of this organisation, ateitininkai; their relations with other Lithuanian and international Catholic organisations, Lithuanian organisations and movements in emigration, as well as the reaction to the challenges of life in emigration. The monograph consists of four parts. The first part presents the history of “Ateitis” movement before the period of displaced persons (DP) camps. The second part discusses the development of the “Ateitis” organisation in DP camps. The third part presents the situation of the “Ateitis” organisation in the USA, Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and South America. The fourth part focuses on the reconstruction of the position of ateitininkai, who acted according to their ideology, regarding the relevant issues of the life of Lithuanian emigrants. When preparing the monograph, the documents from the Lithuanian, foreign (US) and private archives, published sources and memoirs were used. Many sources used in this study have been introduced in scientific circulation for the first time.

Emigracija ir šeima: vaikų ugdymo problemos ir iššūkiai. Straipsnių rinkinys. (Sudarytojai E. Aleksandravičius, D. K. Kuzmickaitė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2008.

The collection of articles examines the collective experiences of migrating families and their children. The book includes appendices with the results of conducted research, interviews, and data about Lithuanian language schools in foreign countries.

Didžiosios Britanijos lietuvių bendruomenėpraeitis, dabartis, ateitis. Straipsnių rinkinys. (Sudarytoja D. Dapkutė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2008.

The book publishes texts by Lithuanian researchers and authors living in the United Kingdom, which review important periods and events in the history of Lithuanians in Great Britain. It analyzes Lithuanian cultural and political activities and the efforts to preserve national identity in a foreign land.

Remeikis T. The Lithuanian Phoenix. Studies and essays 1940-1990. Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2009.

The focus of the studies and essays, written the 1960’s and 1970’s, is on the Lithuanian Communist Party, its social and political composition, the structure of power, the character of top leaders and their role not only in administering the republic, but also on the impact on the All-Union politics. This particular focus on the politics in a Soviet republic is in a way to redress the balance of Western scholarship, which heavily favored studies of politics in the Kremlin, missing to a significant degree the diversity of Soviet society, the diversity among the republics and their particular interests. Autonomist, nationalist and religious interests played increasingly an important political role. The rise of the dissident movement was a prelude to the negation of “Homo Sovieticus” and the Soviet announced inevitability of merger of nations and a birth of all-peoples state. Eventually it was not just economics or “Star Wars”, or succession struggles in the Kremlin, but also republic interests that doomed the Soviet Union and led to the disintegration of the Communist empire and the emergence or re-emergence of the constituent republics as independent states.

Janauskas G. „Kongresinė akcija“. JAV ir Kanados lietuvių politinis lobizmas XX a. 6 dešimtmečio pabaiga – 1990 m. Monografija. Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2009.

The book explores the political lobbying activities of Lithuanians in the United States and Canada (the so-called “Congressional Action”) in the context of the policy of non-recognition of the Baltic states’ occupation, from the 1960s to 1990.

Damušis A. Žvilgsnis, nukreiptas į idealų aukštumas: Adolfo Damušio tekstai. (Sudarytoja I. Bučinskytė-Strumickienė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2009.

Texts written by Adolfas Damušis in emigration attest to the faithfulness of the author to the values internalised yet back in his younger days, voluntary abidance by these values and encouragement to others to be the partakers of common ideas. In some of the cases when he was in charge of the Lithuanian emigrant organisations, these views determined the development of the public life of Lithuanian emigrants. At that time, some of the Catholic Lithuanians in emigration raised the question what was more important in emigration – Lithuanianism or Catholicism. A. Damušis in this case spoke for the integrity of these two principles. He linked the hopes to retain the Lithuanianism with the young generation of the Lithuanians in emigration. Concern for the young people was one of the doubtlessly prevailing subjects in the texts of A. Damušis; it can also be used to explain the didactic quality of some of the texts. It can even be stated that A. Damušis’ texts exude sincere concern about the Lithuanian resistance and its fate in the historical consciousness of the Lithuanians.

Prancūzijos lietuvių bendruomenė: istorija ir dabartis. Straipsnių rinkinys. (Sudarytojas L. Saldukas). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2009.

The collection of articles reviews various periods and events in the history of Lithuanians in France, tracing the development of the Lithuanian community in France from its beginnings to the present day. It also analyzes the cultural and social activities of notable Lithuanians in France.

Milerytė G. Mažosios Lietuvos egziliniai likimai 1944-1959 m. Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2009.

The author tries to brush away the historical dust from the archive documents and to present them for the readers to judge. The book aims at discussing the social, political and cultural endeavours of the Lithuanians of Lithuania Minor and to reveal their conditions of living in emigration. For this purpose, possibilities for establishing organisations and activities are analysed, relationships of the Lithuanians of Lithuania Minor with the Memellanders who advocated Germanness are reviewed and attempts are made to reveal the activities and conditions of living of Lithuania Minor people through the religion they professed. The second part of the book contains 46 documents helping to reveal the life of the Lithuanians of Lithuania Minor in emigration: issues raised publicly in emigration, principles followed by organisations in their activities as well as highly personal experiences of people who are better known to the general public.

Dapkutė D., Kuizinienė D. Laisvas žodis laisvame pasaulyje. Atviro žodžio mėnraštis „Akiračiai“ 1968-2005 m. Monografija. Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2010.

The monograph examines the monthly magazine Akiračiai, published in Chicago from 1968 to 2005. It discusses the circumstances and reasons behind the magazine’s creation, provides an overview of the publishing challenges, introduces its collaborators and editors, and analyzes the magazine’s perspective and its influence on both Lithuanian and diaspora societies.

Keblys K. Smulki kritikos rasa: literatūros kritika. (Sudarytoja D. Kuizinienė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2011.

The book features the texts of the diaspora literary critic Kęstutis Keblys, written over more than fifty years and scattered across the periodicals of both the diaspora and Lithuania. These are texts of various genres, including academic studies, reviews, and occasional articles. They predominantly focus on the theme and issues of diaspora literature. K. Keblys’ literary criticism stands out for its accuracy of assessments, objectivity, wit, and parallels to literary contexts.

Dapkutė D., Celešiūtė I., Jovaišienė D., Kuzmickaitė D. K., Saldukas L., Ūsaitė K., Lietuviai pasaulyje: tautinio identiteto išsaugojimas emigracijoje. Kolektyvinė monografija. Klaipėda: Baltic Printing House, 2012.

The monograph examines various waves of emigration from Lithuania (economic migration from the end of the 19th century to the early 20th century, the so-called “cleaners”, refugees after World War II – displaced persons (DPs), and the current emigration). It seeks to reveal the changes in Lithuanian identity within emigration, the methods and challenges of maintaining national identity in a foreign country.

PetraitytėBriedienė A. Lietuvos diplomatijos tarnybos šefas Stasys Lozoraitis (1940-1983). Monografija. Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2012.

After the Soviet occupation of Lithuania, the Lithuanian diplomatic service (LDT) remained active abroad until the restoration of the country’s independence. The head of the LDT was Stasys Lozoraitis (1898–1983), who held this position for more than forty years. Based on archival sources and scholarly literature, the monograph presents the key biographical moments of the diplomatic service chief.

Bartusevičius V. Lietuviai DP stovyklose Vokietijoje, 1945-1951. Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2012.

World War II not only ravaged the Europe, but also had a painful effect on Lithuanian society – many of the people spread around the world. The author of the book, Vincas Bartusevičius, focuses on more than 80,000 Lithuanian residents, who after the war ended up in Germany and Austria controlled by Western allies and were compactly accommodated in camps. Under such conditions, they recreated certain cultural autonomy: education, press, public, professional and political organisations, political parties and their unions. Such life did not last long, just for a few years. This complicated period is analysed based on abundant archive material and different literary sources.

Pokalbiai lietuvių pasaulio pakraštyje: Brazilija. (Sud. E. Aleksandravičius, D. K. Kuzmickaitė, I. Celešiūtė, M. Raškauskienė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2013.

The long-planned and prepared expedition to one of the South American countries – Brazil – tells the story of the search for Lithuanian descendants, recounted by the book’s compilers. It reflects encounters with Lithuanians who have deeply rooted their lives there and with those who have known them. The recorded conversations not only convey the preserved and nurtured Lithuanian language but also provide many historical facts and events. Among the Lithuanians in Brazil, there has never been a shortage of well-known scientists, active community figures, and devoted missionaries – priests, nuns, and doctors. The book is like a lively and sincere conversation that reveals a deep sense of identity and the ability to sacrifice for those we meet, even if they have different skin colors or faiths.

Aleksandravičius E. Karklo diegas. Lietuvių pasaulio istorija. Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2013.

The author of the book, using scientifically grounded facts and a variety of historical and literary sources, examines the migration of the Lithuanian nation from ancient times to the present day. He asserts: “Lithuanians, like many other nations—large and small, famous and almost forgotten, historical and newly emerging—are actors in the eternal history of the movement of nations. Everything related to the mobility of the world’s peoples concerns us, Lithuanians.”

Ūsaitė K. Pasaulio lietuvių jaunimo sąjunga XX a. 6-9 dešimtmečiais. Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2013.

This monograph, based on archival and published sources as well as historiography, seeks to present the ideological origins of the Lithuanian World Youth Association and analyze various aspects of organizing the Lithuanian World Youth Association (Pasaulio Lietuvių Jaunimo Sąjunga, PLJS). It examines the positions of the Lithuanian World Community (PLB), ideological youth organizations in the diaspora, and the Lithuanian Students’ Union regarding the establishment of PLJS. The study reconstructs the development of the organization during the 1970s–1990s. The monograph analyzes the existential and operational challenges faced by this newly established organization, including uniting youth of Lithuanian descent into a non-ideological, general-purpose organization under the conditions of emigration. It explores PLJS’s relationships with the PLB and other Lithuanian diaspora organizations and evaluates the PLJS board’s connections with various regions.

Aleksandravičius E. Lietuvių pasaulio istorijos. Vilnius: Lietuvos rytas, 2014.

The author of the book, Prof. Habil Dr Egidijus Aleksandravičius, who refers to the scientifically based facts, the diverse sources of history and literature, analyses the migration of Lithuanian nation since ancient times until today. “Lietuvių pasaulio istorijos” (“History of Lithuanian world”) is a story about what happened to the diasporic nation, the members of which scattered from the homeland due to various reasons. Many of them disappeared without a trace, some traces have survived but we abandoned them. However, the memory also has a future: we can remember, extend the imagination of our nation and understand that the nation itself is nothing but the community of common memory. “Let’s hope that for all and every Lithuanian it will be enough space in it”, says E. Aleksandravičius.

Dapkutė D. Lietuviškos širdies ambasadorius Juozas Bachunas-Bačiūnas (1893-1969). Monografija. Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2014.

This monograph is a biographical study dedicated to Juozas Bachunas-Bačiūnas (1893–1969), a prominent figure of the early Lithuanian-American community. He was a businessman, renowned public figure, philanthropist, publisher, and sponsor of the press, as well as the chairman of the World Lithuanian Community. Using historical sources, the book uncovers both the key and lesser-known moments of his life, presents the story of his successful business ventures, and analyzes his Lithuanian community activities. It highlights Bachunas’ role in the national movement organizations of Lithuanian Americans and his contributions to the establishment of the World Lithuanian Community.

Petraitytė-Briedienė A. Tylieji priesaikos riteriai. Lietuvos pasiuntinybė Vašingtone Šaltojo karo metais. Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2015.

The first then still unofficial diplomatic contacts between Lithuania and the United States started in 1919. The United States recognized Lithuania de jure and de facto in 1922, and at the end of that same year Vytautas Valdemaras Čarneckis submitted letters of credence to the US State Department. This diplomatic post has functioned continuously ever since. When the Soviet Union occupied Lithuania in 1940, its diplomats serving abroad continued their work and did not abandon their diplomatic duties. Some were recognized by the states of the free democratic world (such as the United States, Great Britain, France, the Holy See). The exceptionality of the Lithuanian embassy in Washington was its activities during the Cold War, that is, in the shadow of major world political events and one super state. The very fact of the diplomats’ recognition and thus activities means that the Republic of Lithuania that functioned in 1918–1940 was not forgotten and existed in the political thinking of some states until 1990 when Lithuania finally unshackled itself from the occupation of the Soviet Union.

Gyvenimas – Lietuva. Daniela ir Stasys Lozoraičiai. (sudarytoja A. Petraitytė-Briedienė). Vilnius: Versus aureus, 2015.

The book features memoirs of acquaintances, relatives, friends and companions (D. Brazauskienė, E. Budreika, D. Vaičiulaitytė-Nourse, A. Bailey, V. Lesauskaitė, D. Vidutienė) of Daniela and Stasys Lozoraičiai: from S. Lozoraitis childhood and bench in the gymnasium to the ambassador, i.e. degree diplomatic representative, from the moments of Daniela and Stasys acquaintanceship to the election campaign and Honorary presidential title of Hope. Interview fragments, short stories, the solemn word spoken by S. Lozoraitis and several excerpts from the diary of D. Lozoraitienė are supplemented by personal photos of Lozoraičiai family. It’s like a historical memory guide about one of the most prominent couples that dedicated its life, work and mind to Lithuania.

Petraitytė-Briedienė A. Kita karta. Lietuvos diplomatinė tarnyba 1990-1995 metais. Kaunas: Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto leidykla, 2017.

In March 1990 the reinstated Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Lithuania started implementing foreign policy of the newly independent Republic of Lithuania. In 1990, now once again the Republic of Lithuania was embracing a major diplomatic challenge -the international recognition of its statehood and renewal of diplomatic relations, all while the borders were still patrolled by Soviet Union. In 1990-1991 Lithuanian diplomats were tasked ‘to seek recognition and establishment of the Republic of Lithuania as an entity of the international law’. Just one and half years after the restoration of Independence, following the so-called Moscow putsch, Lithuania was able to state both de facto and de jure that the diplomatic struggle for statehood was over. During August-September 1991 numerous countries came forward announcing the recognition of the Republic of Lithuania – and the renewal or establishment of diplomatic relations. Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign has won this recognition battle. The study material for the text was prepared by reviewing archive materials, scientific texts, articles, memoirs of and interviews with the diplomats of the Republic of Lithuania, various periodicals. 

Petraitytė-Briedienė A. Diplomatas dr. Kazimieras Graužinis. Vilnius: Versus, 2018.

Officer, presidential secretary, diplomat—these are the milestones in the biography of Dr. K. Graužinis, a life always accompanied by the name of Lithuania. A volunteer in the Lithuanian Armed Forces and an aviation colonel, Dr. Graužinis completed his studies in law and diplomacy in Paris. He served as a secretary in diplomatic missions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Presidential Office, as well as a member of Lithuanian delegations in international negotiations. From 1932 to 1939, he was Lithuania’s chargé d’affaires to the Holy See, and from 1939 to 1962, he served as Lithuania’s extraordinary envoy and minister plenipotentiary to South America, residing in Argentina and Uruguay. Spending the majority of his life abroad, Dr. Graužinis honorably fulfilled his duties and tirelessly defended Lithuania’s right to freedom and independence. This is the story of a diplomat—a man whose destiny was to stand guard over liberty, with no right to retreat.

Almenas K. Anuomet. Vilnius: Versus, 2019.

Kazys Almėnas’ book “Anuomet” transports readers to a distant past—his childhood in Kaunas, his family’s departure from Lithuania, life in DP camps in Germany, settling in America, and his university years at the University of Nebraska. This memoir stands out from traditional autobiographies by blending multiple narrative styles and perspectives. Most parts are marked by a reflective distance, allowing the author to assess past events through the lens of mature experience. The memories are presented in a light, irony-tinged, and humor-filled style, enriched with extended narratives about significant moments and the people he encountered. Almėnas maintains a sense of narrative intrigue that draws readers into thoughtful reflections on the past.

Vilčinskas J. Dienoraštis 1945VI.7 – 1947.III.18. Vilnius: Versus, 2019.

The “Diary, 1945.VI.7–1947.III.18”, whose entries we now publish, was written between 1945 and 1947 in war-torn Europe—spanning Northern Italy and Great Britain. It belongs to Juozas Vilčinskas, a Lithuanian engineer, a descendant of a noble Lithuanian Tatar family, a pre-war Lithuanian civil servant with leftist and democratic views, but above all, a patriot of Lithuania. The drama of World War II and his chosen fate as a refugee led him to become an active figure in the Lithuanian community in Great Britain. He was a politician, a public figure, and a dedicated member of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party in exile. Vilčinskas also served as a publicist and editor, contributing to the liberation of his homeland and the preservation of the vitality of the Lithuanian diaspora.

Kuizinienė D. Laiko Jungtys. Vilnius: Versus, 2021.

The book presents interviews and articles spanning more than thirty years, inevitably reflecting the signs of their time. These are characterized by a certain fragmentary nature, perhaps even a degree of incompleteness. However, many of the interviews retain their authenticity, serving as dynamic documents of the era. This perspective inspired the collection and publication of these interviews as a separate book. Our faltering memory and constant rush emphasize how little we still understand the cultural field of the Lithuanian diaspora and the circumstances of its vitality. This need gave rise to the popular science articles I have published in recent years. Fate granted me the opportunity to know, interact, and collaborate with many writers, literary critics, and cultural figures of the diaspora. This book, in its own way bridging the past and the present, highlights parallels and differences, offering a deeper understanding of the diaspora’s cultural legacy.

Bartusevičius V. Vokietijos lietuviai 1950-1990. Vilnius: Versus, 2021.

“Lithuanians in Germany, 1950–1990” is a historical account of the Lithuanian community in Germany during 1950–1990. It explores their communal, political, and cultural activities, the challenges of preserving national identity, educating the younger generation, and the efforts to maintain the only Lithuanian high school in the world, the February 16th Gymnasium. The book also delves into their connections with their homeland and their support for Lithuania after it regained independence. We hope this work serves as an important step in enriching the historical narrative of the Lithuanian diaspora, adding another story to the vibrant and diverse mosaic of Lithuanians around the world. It aims to contribute to a broader understanding and preservation of the historical heritage of the Lithuanian diaspora.

Aleksandravičius E. Spalvos ir juostos: lietuvių akademinės skautijos istorija 1924-2024. Vilnius: Versus, 2023.

Questions about the origins of Lithuanian Academic Scouting can be approached with patience, calm tolerance, and skeptical wisdom. First and foremost, it is important to seek a compromise between the general features of the civic society of the reborn February 16 Republic (as a case study) and the undeniable uniqueness of Lithuanian Academic Scouting, which depended on the decisions and will of a few free-minded individuals. This means that it is worth identifying the names of those who initiated everything. Then, one can attempt to understand the circumstances that influenced them and the psychological factors that might have shaped their actions. Today, we might think that uncovering these origins would benefit from considering several layers of reflection. First, the national characteristics of Lithuanian Scouting, which would help to grasp the unique nature of academic scouting. Second, the traits of the maturing civic society in Lithuania. And third, the formation of the academic stratum and the challenges of student corporate culture at Lithuania’s university (renamed Vytautas Magnus University in 1930).



Petraitytė-Briedienė A. „Mylėti Lietuvą iš tolo“: Lietuvos generaliniai konsulai Čikagoje Juzefa ir Petras Povilas Daužvardžiai. Kaunas: Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto leidykla, 2024.

Diplomats Dr. Petras Povilas Daužvardis and Juzefa Rauktytė-Daužvardienė, a husband-and-wife team, served as long-time Lithuanian consuls in the United States. From 1937 to 1983, their consular duties in Chicago, their diverse public activities, and their private lives were deeply intertwined with Lithuania and its citizens, both in the homeland and in the diaspora. Drawing on archival material preserved in Lithuania and the U.S., previously published scholarly works, and oral history, the book recounts the extraordinary life stories of the Daužvardžiai consuls. Their innate diplomacy and patriotism serve as an inspiring example of how to love, respect, and defend one’s homeland—even from afar.