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Moments from the conference “Visionaries of the Republic of March 11th”


On June 1, 2023, VMU Lithuanian Emigration Institute and the President Valdas Adamkus Library-Museum organized a scientific conference titled “Visionaries...

Dr. Asta Petraitytė-Briedienė’s public lecture “Magdalena Avietėnaitė and her role in the history of Lithuanian cultural diplomacy.”


  On April 13th, a public lecture titled “Magdalena Avietėnaitė and her role in the history of Lithuanian cultural diplomacy” was held by Dr. A...

The exhibition “Equation with unknowns. Lithuanian artists in Germany since 1945 up to now”


  The exhibition “Equation with unknowns. Lithuanian Artists in Germany from 1945 to the Present” is currently running at the Vytautas Kasiulis...

Presentation of Vytautas Kavolis’ book ‘Culture of Freedom’ and discussion titled ‘Is it not too late to learn about freedom?’


  On March 31, 2023, the Lithuanian Emigration Institute at Vytautas Magnus University and the Valdas Adamkus Presidential Library-Museum organized a prese...

New book in the ‘Exodus Archive’ series – the diary of the Lithuanian exile artist Vytautas Osvaldas Virkau, titled ‘Diary: 1944-1952’


  We are delighted to announce the new book in the “Exodus Archive” series – the diary of the Lithuanian exile artist Vytautas Osvaldas V...

The discussion with Lithuanian-Australian writer Akvilina Cicėnaite on the unfinished identity of a migrant


  The discussion on the unfinished identity of a migrant took place on March 13, 2023, organized by the VMU Lithuanian Emigration Institute and Valdas Adam...

Presentation of a historical document exhibition and discussion on Lithuanian-Italian relations


  The Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Lithuania, in collaboration with Valdas Adamkus Library-Museum and the Lithuanian Emigration Institute of Vytauta...

The greeting of Dr. Asta Petraitytė-Briedienė, a researcher at the Lithuanian Emigration Institute of Vytautas Magnus University, on the occasion of March 11th at the “Rasa” Gymnasium of Vytautas the Great University.


On March 10th, the community of “Rasa” Gymnasium of Vytautas the Great University joined the action “Greetings to Kaunas – National Hymn...

A lecture titled “Cultural Diplomacy in Paris: Lithuanian Diplomats and French-Lithuanian Societies” was given by Dr. Asta Petraitytė-Briedienė at the French Institute in Lithuania


On March 9, 2023, at the invitation of the French Institute in Lithuania, Dr. Asta Petraitytė-Briedienė, a researcher at the VMU Lithuanian Emigration Institute...

During the Francophonie Days, Dr. Asta Petraitytė-Briedienė gave a lecture titled “Another Sketch for the Portrait of a Lithuanian Diplomat in France”.


Traditionally, in the first month of spring in Lithuania, the Francophonie Days take place, in which employees of the Lithuanian Emigration Institute at Vytauta...

New volume 34 of the journal “Oikos”: Lithuanian Migration and Diaspora Studies


The 34th issue of the academic journal “OIKOS,” dedicated to migration and diaspora studies and published by the Lithuanian Emigration Institute, ha...

Screening of Mekas films “3 Journeys to Lithuania”


The screening of the first of the three film series “3 Journeys to Lithuania” is already tomorrow, February 8th at 5 p.m. We will watch “Remin...

Diasporas patronage scholarships were awarded at the Lithuanian Emigration Institute


Every year before Christmas, the Lithuanian Emigration Institute hosts a traditional celebration to award scholarships to emigrant patrons, provided by the Lith...