On April 23, 2024, an event took place at The Valdas Adamkus Presidential Library-Museum in honor of Lithuania’s Honorary Consul in Australia, Dr. Algis K...
On April 24, 2024, at 4 p.m., The Valdas Adamkus Presidential Library-Museum (S. Daukanto St. 25, Kaunas) will host a lecture by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Linas Didvalis...
On April 24, 2024, at 11 a.m., the presentation of Saulius Pivoras’ monograph “Lithuania in Swedish Baltic Policy 1917-1991: From Recognition to Its...
On April 23, 2024, at 11 a.m., an event dedicated to the memory of Algirdas Kabaila, Honorary Consul of Lithuania in Australia (1925-2021), will take place at T...
On April 5th, at 4 PM, the exhibition of Antanas Liutkus’ photographs “Lithuanians on the French Riviera” will open at Beatričė Kleizaitė-Vasa...
On March 27, 2024, at The Valdas Adamkus Presidential Library-Museum, Dr. Vaidas Petrulis, the head of the Architecture and Urbanism Research Center at KTU Inst...
On March 28th, Dr. Asta Petraitytė-Briedienė, a researcher and historian at the Vytautas Magnus University Lithuanian Emigration Institute, delivered a lecture ...
On March 20th, a presentation of the latest novel by Ukrainian writer Yana Vovk took place at The Valdas Adamkus Presidential Library-Museum. Y. Vovk is an acti...
On March 14th, at The Valdas Adamkus Presidential Library-Museum, a presentation of the monograph “Juozas Žilevičius and His Era” by musicologist an...
On March 7th, an evening dedicated to the memory of Lithuania’s honorary Consul Vytautas Čekanauskas took place at The Valdas Adamkus Presidential ...
On March 6th, a meeting took place with the Director of Jonava Social Services Center, Dr. Valentina Demidenko, who addressed the audience on the integration of...
APPLICATION TO LITHUANIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE SUMMER COURSE 2024 IS OPEN! – Duration: from 06-07-2024 to 04-08-2024 – Form: online and conta...
On February 6th, an academic commemoration afternoon for Mykolas Drunga was organized at The Valdas Adamkus Presidential Library-Museum. During the afternoon, w...